The SeCURE initiative aims to contribute to solving urban resilience challenges for SE Asian Cities. SeCURE will focus on both the development of methods and the delivery of services that enable a quantitative optimization of resilience measures, strategies and investments.
A comprehensive systems-based approach together with the use of big data will allow for such optimization in terms of both financial and societal return.
The SeCURE initiative aims to contribute to solving urban resilience challenges for SE Asian Cities. SeCURE will focus on both the development of methods and the delivery of services that enable a quantitative optimization of resilience measures, strategies and investments.
A comprehensive systems-based approach together with the use of big data will allow for such optimization in terms of both financial and societal return.
The Centre will facilitate and stimulate cross-disciplinary cooperation across the SE Asian region, and will provide the data-rich environment to enable this. The SeCURE initiative has been presented and discussed already with a large number of potential partners and sponsors, and is rapidly gaining more support.
SeCURE will combine interactively generic research with city-specific applications, needed to
- generate and provide access to urban information, extracted from all kind of available data sources (including satellites, internet of things, social media, citizen monitoring etc);
- understand and model quantitatively the behaviour, dynamics and interactions of the various urban subsystems (social, physical, financial, economical etc.);
- identify the potentially effective and sustainable resilience measures, and to quantify their costs and benefits;
- define the optimal resilience strategy, based on an integrated approach, preventing suboptimal solutions;
- develop innovative financing solutions;
- generate and deliver Services for Urban Resilience (design, optimization and evaluation of resilience strategies, measures, investments, and financing).
Signing by Prof. Wong Sek Man, NUS (front left) and Mr. Maarten Smits, Deltares (front right) in presence of H.E. Mr. Mark Rutte (back middle), Prime Minister of the Netherlands and Mr. Masagos Zulkifl (back right), Singapore Minister for the Environment and Water Resources.